Apply Compassion and Patience as You Learn to Meditate

We know meditation is good for us. See 20 Benefits We have all tried and have likely been frustrated after 30 seconds. How can we sit still? How can we manage the nonstop thoughts? Many people will never try meditating again because sitting still is too much of a challenge.  

 Don’t quit. Allow yourself to take breaks. Don’t be hard on yourself if you get up after two minutes. We often meditate on compassion and patience. (Here is a great one: Compassion Meditation) But we must also apply patience and compassion as we learn to meditate. 

 Nobody picks up the guitar for the first time and plays like Prince. It takes practice. Just like any skill, meditation takes time and practice. 

 Don’t let meditation feel like a chore or yet another responsibility to take on. Approach meditation with a sense of joy and gratitude. Recognize that we all get impatient with the process. Approach the impatience with compassion. It is ok to get frustrated. No meditation session will feel the same. Treat whatever happens during your mediation practice with nonjudgment and compassion.  

 Celebrate taking a few moments for yourself, no matter what happens. One day, you will look forward to your morning stillness! 


 1. Start with shorter sessions. We are rewiring our brains and you might want to start with 2-5 minutes. 

 2. Explore meditation styles. Have fun and explore! 

 3. Find a teacher. Almost all cities have free or donation-based meditation centers. 

 4. Don’t quit. Over many years, I tried meditation without it sticking. Keep an open mind and one day a daily practice may feel right in your life. 

 By Mike Millios

March 30, 2019


Community Yoga - 6:30 am June 6 at Sacred Space


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